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abiezerf 01-10-2014 03:29 PM

Clutch failure tracking thread
Alright, with all these talks about clutch failures, I think it is a good idea to document who exactly it is happening to so we can find a pattern. Please post up your model year, mileage, any mods you might have, and what you are experiencing so we can try to see if there is any pattern. I'll update the OP as people post.

I'l start.

Year - 2012
Miles - 19,000
Mods - Intake, Short Shift Plate, Test Pipe, Internals
Tune - 25% e85 tune
Description - Slipping in 4th and 5th gear around 4K RPMs

Year - 2012
Miles - 17,500
Mods - intake, catted dp, catback, internals
Tune - 93 octane tuned by the freek
Description - Slipped in 4th and above at about 3500 rpm for a few weeks in Nov and Dec

Year - 2010
Miles - 43,000 km (26,000 miles)
Mods - fully bolted
Tune - Self Tuned on 94 (approx. 320-330wtq)
Description - Slipping from 3-4k rpm range in various gears

Year - 2012
Miles - 18,000
Mods - test pipe, internals
Tune - e85 blend
Description - slipped once last week in 4th around 4500 rpms doing a log

Year - 2011
Miles - 31,000
Mods - 3.5 intake, 3 port, test pipe, internals, cpe TMIC gutted stock DP, egr delete, TB bypass
Tune - 50/50 E85 tune
Description - Slipping in 4th and 5th mainly from 4-5K rpms

Year - 2013
Miles - 11,000
Mods - fully bolted/BNR S3
Tune - ?
Description - Slipped in every gear for a few days after trying out my new hoosier slicks.

Year - 2011
Miles - 51,000
Mods - internals, intake
Tune - 18 psi tune
Description - Run through 6th, the pedal worked normally, but the clutch would not disingage, was still not able to get it into first with the engine on

Year - 2012
Miles - 29K
Mods - Bolted
Tune - E85
Description - started slipping when cold in 4th and 5th.

Miles - 38K
Mods - CS SRI/TIP, CS Racepipe, CS TMIC, CS CAB, NGK plugs, Internals
Tune - 93 Freek
Description - Slipped badly for a few days in 3rd+. A few days of mild driving and then tested again to find it was no longer slipping.

Year - 2012
Miles - 22,000
Mods - in sig (intake +mani) test pipe e85 etune
Tune - Finkle!!!!!!! e85
Description - Slipping in 5th

kidlifecrisis 01-10-2014 04:19 PM

2012, 17.5k miles, intake, catted dp, catback, internals, 93 octane tuned by the freek.

Slipped in 4th and above at about 3500 rpm for a few weeks in Nov and Dec, been driving like a sane person since and have done several 4th gear pulls since without issue. Might be okay now? Not really sure

doctavus 01-10-2014 04:31 PM

Damn, such low miles!

someguy 01-10-2014 04:35 PM

SomeGuy - 2010 - 43,000km - 3-4k rpm range in various gears - Mods in sig but basically fully bolted.

Also from my thread on the topic including logs of it happening:

5th and 6th gear acting up today, second time it's happened. First time was in 4th gear and the road might have been a bit slippery so I wrote it off even though it seemed weird. This time today though it was doing it relatively consistently and was able to grab a couple logs:

Erick13Speed3 01-10-2014 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by kidlifecrisis (Post 2408875)
2012, 17.5k miles, intake, catted dp, catback, internals, 93 octane tuned by the freek.

Slipped in 4th and above at about 3500 rpm for a few weeks in Nov and Dec, been driving like a sane person since and have done several 4th gear pulls since without issue. Might be okay now? Not really sure

Damn, you got me worried now. I just hit 5200 on my way back home today, I am stock for now so I should be fine

Printman 01-10-2014 05:04 PM

18,000 mi. mods in sig had it slip once last week in 4th around 4500 rpms doing a log. I went WTF but hasn't done it since so who knows if clutch is really going bad or just a fluke.
Been reading the clutch install how to's just in case might go ahead and order the ACT 6 puck when tax money comes in so I have it if it really is going bad.

2011speed 01-10-2014 05:10 PM

so far seems like only 2010 and 12

specvspeedfreak 01-10-2014 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by 2011speed (Post 2408947)
so far seems like only 2010 and 12


2011 close to 31K miles. 50/50 E85 tune. 3.5 intake, 3 port, test pipe, internals, cpe TMIC gutted stock DP, egr delete, TB bypass.

Slipping in 4th and 5th mainly from 4-5K rpms but need to get logs to verify.

blackms3_71 01-10-2014 07:07 PM

Wow such low miles. I would check to make sure no oil or anything is getting on the clutch. I have an 08 with 60k fully bolted and i have never slippec

rigor 01-10-2014 08:58 PM

lost mine about 60k shit clutch

blackms3_71 01-10-2014 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by rigor (Post 2409169)
lost mine about 60k shit clutch

Why do u feel the need to tell me that lol i wanted a big turbo with tax refund not a new clutch :/


Originally Posted by rigor (Post 2409169)
lost mine about 60k shit clutch

Plus 60k wouldnt be too bad when u think about it i am putting down 100 more tq then stock

jseams 01-10-2014 09:43 PM

3 Attachment(s)
I have 9300 miles on mine and there have been several times that I thought the clutch was slipping... upon investigating and plugging a few logged instances into VD and datazap I found that it wasn't clutch slip it was wheelspin. You can see that there is a a direct correlation between rpm and vehicle speed and you can see the bump where I break loose. I've done this both in 3rd and 4th gear and there was never the typical tire "screetch" people often expect when you break loose... the only indication was a sudden rise in rpms and no increase in speed.

Anyhow, not saying that you folks aren't experiencing blown clutches just that you should be absolutely certain before you start to panic. :wink:

someguy 01-10-2014 09:48 PM

Breaking loose feels so much different than clutch slip...the tires don't always make noise, depends on road surface and heat and such. Mine if you look at the logs, rpm/speed don't stay constant.

jseams 01-10-2014 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by someguy (Post 2409207)
Breaking loose feels so much different than clutch slip...the tires don't always make noise, depends on road surface and heat and such. Mine if you look at the logs, rpm/speed don't stay constant.

Yeah, plotting your log shows you are really slipping. Pretty obvious especially in that second log.

However, I disagree that it always feels different; there are always threads popping up where people are asking "wheelspin or clutchslip"... I know, I'm guilty of this myself. lol

specvspeedfreak 01-11-2014 12:57 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Now I'm really confused. It didn't slip or spin? like it has before. Maybe I was just crazy... I don't know lol

some logs

Not sure what happened in datalog 3.. Edit: think it was a bump now that I think about it
Attachment 143450

Attachment 143451

Attachment 143452

tornado842 01-11-2014 02:09 AM

2013 11K miles. Slipped in every gear for a few days after trying out my new hoosier slicks. 334hp 377tq. After driving it softly for a few weeks it is no longer slipping. I had a 07 speed 3 for 40k miles without ever having the clutch slip. I have the new clutch/flywheel sitting in my garage waiting for this one to die.

Sid3wayS 01-11-2014 06:00 AM


Voltron 01-11-2014 06:13 AM

There were a few cases local here.
A 2011 fully bolted w slipping around 30k
2012 w 3076 and 15k
2012 fully bolted, 7k

2011speed 01-11-2014 07:50 AM

Is there a correlation between all of these cases?

blackms3_71 01-11-2014 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by 2011speed (Post 2409391)
Is there a correlation between all of these cases?

Yeah big power lol

abiezerf 01-11-2014 11:09 AM

Lol I'll update the op in a few but modded cars seem to be the correlation. Oddly enough, I, too, did some more fourth and fifth gear pulls today and I did not slip. Not even once. I was going to adjust my SSP to the middle setting but now I think I'll leave it as is.

Sent from my XT1056 using Tapatalk

pallen 01-11-2014 12:35 PM

6800mi all stock. Just had my 2013 towed to the dealer. The pedal went to the floor while shifting normally. They let me look into the inspection hole and it was full of shredded clutch material. They will be submitting it to Madza.

someguy 01-11-2014 12:47 PM

Damn, that's a failure...not quite what this thread is about but madness. At least yours is almost guaranteed to be covered.

specvspeedfreak 01-11-2014 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by abiezerf (Post 2409515)
Oddly enough, I, too, did some more fourth and fifth gear pulls today and I did not slip. Not even once.Sent from my XT1056 using Tapatalk

It's a silver pu conspiracy! lol

boostdmazda3 01-11-2014 01:36 PM

seems like a pu problem. My stocker started slipping at 96k miles after the bnr.

pallen 01-12-2014 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by someguy (Post 2409604)
Damn, that's a failure...not quite what this thread is about but madness. At least yours is almost guaranteed to be covered.

Yeah, they gave me the speech about the clutch being a 'wear item', but also acknowledged that it would be pretty hard to kill a clutch that fast even with the worst abuse. I'm over 40 and never driven anything but a standard. I know how to take care of a clutch.

abiezerf 01-13-2014 07:18 AM

Updated the OP, looks like the clutch slipping is a power issue mixed with the weather. Mine stopped slipping now that the weather has heated up. A few others have reported the same.

Phoenix 01-13-2014 08:25 AM

Mine took a dump Friday night. Was making a run through 6th and once I went to exit, the pedal worked normally, but the clutch would not disingage. Had to make it home rev matching and trying not to come to a stop. Waited a couple of hours and was still not able to get it into first with the engine on.

I suspect that the clutch was probably slipping just enough to cause a tremendous amount of heat and destroy the diaphram spring in the pressure plate.

I have 51k, 2011, internals, Sure 3" Aeros, internals and AP. Boost target is 18 psi. It's being towed to the shop today and will most likely find out tomorrow.

CWP_MS3 01-13-2014 09:07 AM

You need to find a better way to organize the OP @abiezerf;. Too difficult to read. I think bolt-ons matter less than whether or not they're custom tuned. Make them all follow the same format and space them or something. Like this maybe:

Miles - 29K
Mods - Bolted
Tune - E85
Description - started slipping when cold in 4th and 5th.

^^^ Just a suggestion.

abiezerf 01-13-2014 09:47 AM

Makes sense. Thanks. Updating now

CWP_MS3 01-13-2014 10:11 AM

Lol... So far the only consistency I'm seeing is mad power. Most people on that list are E85.

someguy 01-13-2014 10:29 AM

Not me...I'm self tuned on 94, approx in the 320-330 wheel torque range.

kidlifecrisis 01-13-2014 10:35 AM

I put down 291 whp on the mustang dyno at Powerplant Motorsports in Poughkeepsie, the consensus was that the dyno was pretty spot on with how a dyno jet would have read based on the other speeds that got on the rollers that day

CWP_MS3 01-13-2014 10:46 AM

How much torque?

kidlifecrisis 01-13-2014 12:00 PM


adamizme 01-13-2014 12:15 PM

Subbed... mine slipped badly on Christmas eve in 5th gear. For a few days after that, it was slipping in 3rd+. It hasn't slipped at all for a couple weeks now. Mods in sig. 38k miles. Tuned for 93 by Freek.

Miles - 38K
Mods - CS SRI/TIP, CS Racepipe, CS TMIC, CS CAB, NGK plugs, Internals
Tune - 93 Freek
Description - Slipped badly for a few days in 3rd+. A few days of mild driving and then tested again to find it was no longer slipping.

CWP_MS3 01-13-2014 12:47 PM

Guys post up accordingly so he can just cut and paste it to the OP. If you want to add more to it in your post, then do so, but make it easy for him to keep the OP up.

someguy 01-13-2014 01:03 PM

Year - 2010
Miles - 43,000 km (26,000 miles)
Mods - fully bolted
Tune - Self Tuned on 94 (approx. 320-330wtq)
Description - Slipping from 3-4k rpm range in various gears

abiezerf 01-13-2014 02:17 PM

Updated the OP some more. I guess the Pu's don't like cold and torque.

5doorsoffury 01-13-2014 03:59 PM

5doorsoffury mods in sig. 2012 PU .Slipped in 5th after at about 22k roughly 13 k on e85. Has not slipped under stock power (that i can see with out logging).
ugg sry heres the cut and paste

Year - 2012
Miles - 22000 miles
Mods - in sig (intake +mani) test pipe e85 etune
Tune - Finkle!!!!!!! e85
Description - Slipping in 5th

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